Editorial / Magazine
"ERAN" is what the objects carry. "ERAN" are stories and journeys. "ERAN" are objects that were and that we live. "ERAN" is a magazine.
And in this issue: "ERAN, Phone Booth". An independent magazine that in each issue talks about an object that has disappeared or is about to disappear,
this first issue talks about cabins and mobile telephony in Spain.
Editorial / Book
“Além das linhas,
a inflûencia dos mapas na política
e na sociedade”
KYRT (Final studies project)
The project addresses the evolution of maps over time and how they are influenced by political, economic and ideological interests. It emphasises the social construction of borders and how different peoples have the power to define and change them. Through a book and a video documentary, it explores alternative narratives and the importance of understanding the political and economic implications of maps and borders. Ultimately, the project emphasises the need to question geographical representations in order to achieve a broader and fairer understanding of the world around us.
(in collaboration with Catarina Martins, Inês Silva and Maria Torrão)
Website Experience
“Dec : /Web_eXP”
Expo Derivas y Creaturas
Project born from the exhibition of the new acquisitions for the collection of the Municipal Gallery of Porto and its subsequent collaboration with the ESAD. All this gives rise to an interdisciplinary project resulting in the creation of a web experience about the exhibition based on the cold way in which art works and art exhibitions are classified. A banal environment, with no clear importance beyond the number of the work or the name of the author.
A secondary exhibition in which the registration lists of works are the main concept.
(in collaboration with Galeria municipal do Porto)
Editorial / Branding
“Asymbrella”, a brand of umbrellas and parasols, which advertises with an aesthetic based on the 80s/90s era of advertising.
Flyers characteristic of that era were created, blending a contemporary aesthetic with the aforementioned.
Re-branding / Editorial
Museum SERRALVES, Porto
Redesign of the graphic identity of the contemporary art museum of the city of Porto, "Serralves museum". A clear message, a young, fun and street aesthetic. Clear colours, hard typographies and a massive use of stickers. A change that aims to make "Serralves shout to the world".
Editorial / Book
Three books, three authors, three readers. A compilation of three texts that talk about the history of the book, its evolution and its current state. Putting on the table, the past functional use of the book and the current meaning of the book. At the same time it compares the functional book with websites, giving way to a conception of the world of the book, of the publishing world as something valuable, something that is cared for, from its content to its final art.
Poster / 3D
“We are plastic”
EASD Soria
If we are what we eat, we are plastic. Phrase that defines the campaign on the awareness of the reduction and elimination of plastic consumption. The campaign image represents what we are (DNA) made up of what we end up eating (PLASTIC).
The poster informs about an exhibition that will develop this theme and the plastic cycle, showing how we are already eating plastics.
Editorial / Branding
Poster of 26º edition of the
“Youth Creation Festival 2022” Soria
Festival Creación Joven Soria
EASD Soria
Award-winning work for the festival de creación joven de Soria. In collaboration with the city council, the youth council and the art school of Soria, a competition was developed in order to generate a poster and branding for the festival. This was the winner and therefore the one used for the 26th edition of the festival. The poster expresses the feeling of being young, of the era in which we were born, the liveliness of our life and the chaos of our life that is reflected in the process of creation until we reach a final work.
(In collaboration with the city council of Soria and the council of youth and the Art School of Soria)
“Year Book”
Yearbook produced for Erasmus students in Porto. Using passport photos and DIY as a concept, a customisable poster was made with the signatures of your classmates, drawings... Moreover, in this way, not only a yearbook is created, but also a moment of sharing.
(in collaboration with Salma Saghir, Niko Fahlbusch)